Please tell us how and where you’d like to get help: Survey form
A more senior person hosts a more junior person and provides opportunity and mentoring:
Senior faculty/staff could offer projects for junior faculty/staff
The project should help the seniors as they would delegate some work, and help the juniors as they gain experience. There could be projects where no travel is required.
Any faculty, but especially junior faculty/postdocs , could offer projects for graduate students
The junior faculty gain experience in guiding people, planing and mentoring. The graduate students learn something in a new research environment. The length of the exchange should be between 3 and 9 months.
Graduate students could offer projects for under-graduate students. [the RISE model]
The graduate students gain experience in guiding people, planing and mentoring. The under-graduate students learn something in a research environment. The lengths of the exchange should be between 8 and 15 weeks.
Under-graduate students [with help from above] could offer projects for high-school students. It is very good for the students to think about how to teach 15 to 18 years old.
Researchers at MPI welcome visitors at all levels, as long as they are more than 18 years old and have valid papers. The best experience is normally obtained in a one-on-one situation.
They can provide required invitation letters and directing people how to register [which is required for people working there]. Health insurance is required! It can be purchased there, if it cannot be proven to exist. Liability insurance is also required. It can be provided together with a small contract [below the taxable limit].
PIRE-GEMADRAC offers an opportunity to obtain research experience this summer in China. The program lasts 10 weeks with 6 weeks in China. The scholarship is $10,500 in total including $5,000 stipend and $5,500 travel expenses. The flier of the program for this year can be found here. The application deadline is Feb. 20, 2018.
PIRE-GEMADARC also provides international graduate exchange programs involving worldwide best facilities and prestigious institutions: MPI in Germany, Tsinghua University in China, Academic Institute of Physics in Taiwan, and Queen’s University in Canada. Scholarship receivers are expected to spend 6-10 weeks every year on Ge-based low-energy neutrino physics, dark matter searches, and neutrinoless double-beta decay experiments. Contacts: Joel Sander, Dongming Mei, Jing Liu, Wenqin Xu.
PIRE-GEMADARC offers travel award up to $3,000 for graduate students to participate
Contacts: Jing Liu, Wenqin Xu, Joel Sander, Dongming Mei.
We reach out to everyone who are interested in science and technology through various social media platforms. For example, one of our YouTube teaching channel,, dedicated to Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation, has been viewed tens of thousand times by people from 62 countries in the world.